Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Auras ?

Just out of curiosity, I read about auras on the internet and tried to see if I could see mine while sitting in a dimly lit room, in front of a white background with the mirror in front of me. After some practice at defocussing and concentrating on my peripheral vision I was able to make out a very faint whitish outline around my head and shoulders. With practice the outline became clearer. Could this be an optical illusion or a double image? However I am not able to see any colours in this ‘aura’. I can also make out very pale luminiscent ‘auras’ around trees when the sky is not too brightly lit and also in the night time, especially on moonless nights.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I occasionally see auras - a few weeks ago as I sat with my sister who was dying I saw her aura very clearly. It was a brilliant electric blue colour.