Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Was blessed and could bless

This often happens to me when I am roaming alone in a new city. The last time it happened was when I was roaming alone in the streets of Amsterdam as a tourist, taking photographs. It began with a feeling of complete well being, child like curiosity and joy as I walked around looking at the quaint shops and houses, which, coming from India, was very new and interesting for me. Slowly I was engulfed in complete stillness and peace, my mind was almost void of any thoughts, I wanted this mood to last forever, the feeling is indescribable, no where close to our everyday feeling of what we call ‘happiness’ or ‘joy’. But as soon as I realized that I had run out of film role, I was thrust back into everyday reality. It was almost like falling into a pit after having flown over mountains and valleys. Such moods come and go. Making the mundaness of everyday reality more and more unbearable and I am reminded of a poem by Yeats:
While on shop and street I gazed/ My body of a sudden blazed/ And twenty minutes more or less/ It seemed so great my happiness/ That I was blessed and could bless…

Everything has an essence

Every person and place has an essence, a kind of sum total of its personality, what it emanates….One can often sense it at the first encounter….the first impression, so to speak, before the thinking mind comes into action and clouds one’s perception and intution. This essence cannot be described, only felt like the drops of rain on your face…..

The journey within

What happens in the outside world is of little consequence as compared to the journey you have to make within yourself. The outside world and events are part of a script written by someone else (your past karma’s ?), over which you have little control.

At the mercy of our Minds

Most of us are at the mercy of our schizophrenic minds -which consists of shifting moods and states - an everchanging perspective of our circumstances and the people around us. Once in a while a flash of objectivity descends on us and we realise how easily we slip into our reactive, petty selves.

Auras ?

Just out of curiosity, I read about auras on the internet and tried to see if I could see mine while sitting in a dimly lit room, in front of a white background with the mirror in front of me. After some practice at defocussing and concentrating on my peripheral vision I was able to make out a very faint whitish outline around my head and shoulders. With practice the outline became clearer. Could this be an optical illusion or a double image? However I am not able to see any colours in this ‘aura’. I can also make out very pale luminiscent ‘auras’ around trees when the sky is not too brightly lit and also in the night time, especially on moonless nights.

Energy vortex ?

When I stand out in the sun and close my eyes, I see numerous blackish dots rushing towards a kind of a vortex. Like energy particles rushing from lower concentration to higher concentration, which is in contradiction to conventional laws of physics. I see this against a bright, deep red background.

Multiple consciousness ?

There is another ‘weird’ feeling that I get sometimes, usually when I am sitting quietly in my garden looking at the trees, plants and stones around me, are in a bus riding through unknown streets lined with houses and shops. I can almost ‘ identify’ with the plant, or a stone or a quiet shady corner of the garden as if I could enter into the existence of a lonely stone, or a plant or a balcony overlooking a street, as if I could touch these ‘inanimate’ things with my consciousness, perhaps a kind of multiple consciousness. It is very difficult to describe this feeling/awareness in words.

Antenna of the unconscious mind

My experiences with the prophetic power of hypnogogia leads me to believe that everything in the lives of ordinary people like us is pre-determined according to the law of karma. As mentioned earlier in a previous post, I often dream of minor everyday things like a word or an image which I then come across in the course of few days in real life. Only last night I dreamt about Niagra Falls, saw a visual image of it, and today while watching TV, I chanced upon a programme on Zone Reality channel, it was titled ‘hunting legends’ or something, in which an American - Mason Whinefield was investingating paranormal phenomenon in western part of New York State, and the site in question was in the proximity of Niagra Falls and according to Mason, the Falls might be one of the reasons for the presence of strong spiritual/psychic current in that area. I had never watched his programme before, nor did I have a pre-knowledge of such a programme being aired on Zone Reality.
So the question which comes to mind is whether even the minutest things in our lives are pre-determined ? And whether it is just a question of being able to tune into the right kind of frequency to be able to forsee our future ?
Is it also possible that due to my deep interest in the spiritual and occult, my unconscious mind is able to tune into, and inform the conscious mind about things/people/events that are related to this area, that I will chance upon in the future ?
During the course of my study of occult and spiritual subjects, there have been numerous co-incidences, which are too many to be called ‘chance events’ where I would come across the books/websites/references related to my interest with hardly any effort or search. Perhaps the unconscious mind does have some kind of an antenna which leads us to the things/people that are related to the thoughts and feelings that pre-occupy our hearts and minds……

Spritual Springs

I mentioned in an earlier post that every person and a place has an essence. One can sense this very deeply if the person/place in question is giving off a very strong, due to lack of a better word, I would say energy or waves.
I have been going occasionally, since childhood to old temples and ruins in India, and I could always sense something different in their environment. How ever during my recent visit to an ancient Hindu temple in Madurai, South India, I felt an overhelming sense of peace and well being among its walls. I also got this uncanny desire to spend hours staring at the ancient sculptures, and it seemed to me that if I stared long enough, I could tune into the past !! One of the local guides informed me of a tradition in South India, where visitors to such temples would sit down inside the temple to spend quiet moments of contemplation. They believe that the location of the temple is aligned to tune in with certain geomagnetic fields and cosmic currents which have a beneficial effect on the human spirit. My next visit was to the Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of India,where three oceons are believed to converge. Here too, inspite of the noise and the crowd, I could feel an underlying sense of peace, and a keen desire to spend more time here. However I do not get any such feeling when I visit some of the modern temples in India.
Perhaps there are certain places on the surface of earth, along water bodies, mountain tops, underground currents, which give off spiritual energy /waves.