Sunday, June 29, 2008

Precognitive dreams

I also have occasional precognitive dreams. Nothing dramatic- just small events in my everyday life. For instance, I mostly see words during hypnopompia and I later come across them during my writing or research. For instances, I recently saw the word ‘Dadu’. At that time I did not know what it meant and later during my research on the saint poet Kabir, I came across a reference to the sect of Dadu Panthis who are followers of Kabir. On another occasion, I saw a bright pink saree during hypnogogia and later I came across a photo of one of my relatives wearing the same saree !! The photo was taken recently so the possibility of my having seen the photograph some time in the past and then dreaming about it is ruled out. Recently, I accidentally discovered that I could see a bright golden aura like globes around lighted candles in a dim room. I could not see this earlier.


Ruth said...

Hello Panhaan and thank you for your comment on my blog. It seems we have a lot of interests in common - I'll be back soon to have a good read, but just off to visit a friend right now.

Gill said...

I often have precognitive dreams but they are rarely about anything 'important'.